
The ECA is an equal opportunities employer. The principle of equal opportunities is enshrined in the legislation underpinning the work of the EU, notably in Article 1d of the Staff Regulations, which prohibits discrimination on any grounds (sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, sexual orientation, etc.). Discrimination of any kind is forbidden by our Ethical Guidelines.

We have a diversity and inclusion policy aimed at creating a diverse working environment and an inclusive culture in which everyone feels valued and able to achieve their full potential.

This diversity and inclusion policy is an important part of the ECA’s strategic goals. It builds on the results of past action plans to pave the way towards a more diverse, more flexible and, at the same time, more equitable workplace where everyone’s talent has the best opportunity to flourish. Leaders have a key role in making this happen; through our commitment, we can set an example for the rest of the organisation. Therefore, it is our task to make the benefits of a diverse and inclusive culture apparent to all.

Zacharias Kolias Secretary-General, European Court of Auditors
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Diversity and inclusion policy

Transcript of the video

Diversity and inclusion at the ECA

Six main ECA actors: Diversity and Inclusion officer, Secretary General, Human Resources, Joint Committee on Equal Opportunities (COPEC), Working Groups, Professional Training.

Ten priorities: mobilise, inform and engage, attract, integrate, promote, adapt, enable, protect, encourage, measure.

Mobilise: promote diversity and inclusion among management.

  • Strengthen commitment
  • Compulsory training
  • Diversity and inclusion assessment

Inform and engage: promote diversity and inclusion among all staff.

  • Communication and training
  • Raise awareness
  • Diversity and inclusion working groups

Attract: provide equal opportunities and enhance diversity and inclusion in the recruitment process.

  • Diverse pool of applicants
  • Inclusive and diverse selection boards
  • Share/publish statistics

Integrate: mainstream equal opportunities and diversity and inclusion performance management, evaluation, certification and promotion.

  • Parental leave for men
  • Coaching
  • Ensure no bias in the promotion procedure

Promote: gender equality in the selection of heads of task.

  • Publish half-yearly updates on the share of F/M HoT
  • Encourage
  • Share knowledge

Adapt: enhance flexibility at work.

  • Well-being
  • Work-life balance
  • Teleworking

Enable: create an inclusive environment for staff with disabilities.

  • Disability awareness week
  • Accessibility
  • Positive actions

Protect: acknowledge, understand and address the ageing of ECA staff.

  • Active seniors
  • Lifelong learning
  • Cross generational exchange

Encourage: encourage women to set out on the path towards management.

  • Interviews and coaching
  • Empower
  • Leadership development program

Measure: assess progress on diversity and inclusion.

  • Surveys and statistics
  • Diversity and inclusion annual report
  • Performance indicators
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The ECA – a member of the International Dual Career Network (IDCN) Luxembourg IDCN

At the ECA, we recognise how important it is to support our employees when they start their professional journeys in Luxembourg, but we also do our best to support their partners and spouses. With our commitment to ensuring a positive and constructive experience for all, we strive to make this transition as smooth as possible.

That's why the ECA is a proud member of the International Dual Career Network (IDCN) Luxembourg(opens in new window), which is a global organisation that focuses on supporting the career development and wellbeing of our employees’ partners and spouses.

The IDCN offers a wide range of services, from insights about the local job market, to providing help with CVs, to networking events, and providing access to local business networks through other ICDN members. All partners and spouses of ECA employees based in Luxembourg can join the IDCN by registering on the IDCN website.