The ECA’s publications and archives
Most ECA publications are available on our website.
The ECA’s archives contain all of the institution’s reports and opinions since
. Paper copies of documents published up to
have been transferred to our holding at the Historical Archives of the European Union in Florence.
ECA Library
The ECA Library is primarily for the use of ECA staff, but is also open to staff from the other EU institutions and, on request, to external researchers. The collection features a wide range of publications on audit, accounting, EU law and EU policy areas. It includes books, periodicals, press services, reference works and databases in electronic and printed format. The entire collection can be searched online using the public tool
BibliotECA Discovery.
Access to documents
The ECA strives to be of service to EU citizens, conducting its activity to the highest possible standards of transparency, accountability and integrity.
Legal basis
Requests for access to documents are handled in accordance with the principle of the right to good administration and the principle of transparency, and with
Decision No 37-2023 of the European Court of Auditors regarding public access to ECA documents(opens in new window).
Requesting access
Requests for access to documents should be sent using our
Contact form, and can be written in any official EU language.
Processing of requests
Each request is carefully assessed within one month of registering the application. The decision to allow or refuse access will depend, for example, on whether there is a need to protect the public interest, or the confidential nature of audit information.
If access to a requested document has been refused, the applicant may submit a written appeal (a “confirmatory application”) to the President of the ECA, within one month of receiving the ECA’s reply, asking the ECA to reconsider its position. Within a maximum of one month of registering a confirmatory application, the ECA shall either grant access to the requested document or refuse it.
Other legal references
Treaty on European Union:(opens in new window) Article 1(2) on the process of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe, in which decisions are taken as openly as possible and as closely as possible to the citizen
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union:
(opens in new window) Article 15(1) on transparency in the work of the EU institutions; Article 15 (3) on the right of access to documents
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU:
(opens in new window) Article 42 on the right of access to documents
Useful links