
Please be informed that all main sessions will take place in Bloc D, Salle Feidert, except for the parallel sessions, which will be held in a smaller room next to the Feidert one (click here to see the map).

Please also note that the visits proposed in this agenda (see details here) are alternatives and must be booked via the EUSurvey link that attendees will receive to their mail.

Conference agenda
2024 topic: Impact of AI on our daily work

Registration & welcome coffee

Ms Stéphanie Obertin,

Minister of Digitalisation of Luxembourg

Setting the scene: “How can AI help the European administration in a changing world” Dr Marc Kuster,

Head of Unit, Publications Office, European Commission, Luxembourg

Keynote Speech: “Ethics facing AI” Mr Jean-Jacques Rommes,

Président du Conseil Scientifique, Fondation IDEA, Luxembourg

Session 1: “AI and Fundamental Rights” Dr David Reichel,

Project Manager, EU Agency for Fundamental Rights

 - Networking coffee

Session 2: “AI and Ethics - The Need for a Human-Centric Approach” Mr Rick Serrano,

Philosopher, A.I. Ethicist, Head of Generali Luxembourg Training Dpt

Panel 1: Ethical issues arising from the use of Artificial Intelligence on our daily work Moderator: Mr Damijan Fiser, Senior Communicator Officer, European Court of Auditors

Mr Jean-Jacques Rommes, Dr Marc Kuster, Mr Rick Serrano, Dr David Reichel, Mr Bérenger Lefebvre, Administrator, Research and Documentation Directorate, Court of Justice of the EU, Dr Andreas Braun, Director, Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, PwC, Dr Andrea MartensA.I. Ethicist, European Investment Bank

 - Networking lunch

- Transport to visited venue

Option 1: Visit to Meluxina Supercomputer

(max: 20 pax)

Option 2: Visit to HLC /Lux Cybersecurity center (max: 30 pax)
Option 3: Visit to LUX Innovation
(max: 40 pax)
Option 4: Visit to the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) (max: 20 pax)
Option 5: Visit to the PwC AI Laboratory (max: 30 pax)
Option 6: Luxembourg City Guided Tour (max: 20 pax)

- Return to campus

- Registration & welcome coffee

Session 3: “AI strategy and tools in European Commission” Mr Spyros Sarigiannidis,

Head of Unit Data, AI & Web, DG DIGIT, European Commission, Luxembourg

Session 4: “AI competitiveness” Mr Kai Zenner,

Head of Office, Digital Policy Adviser, European Parliament, Brussels

Practical workshop on Microsoft Copilot. "Implementing Copilot at the ESM" Ms An Lenders,

Senior Solution Advisor, Modern Work for EU Institutions & Belgian Federal Government, Microsoft Belgium

Mr Josselin Hebert, Senior Digital Innovation Officer, European Stability Mechanism

- Networking coffee

Parallel session 5: “DG Translation’s eTranslation and other AI Language Services - building the future with the MeluXina supercomputer” (main room) Mr Cristian Brasoveanu,

Coordinator @ AI EC Network, Project Officer AI Language Services, DG Translation, European Commission, Luxembourg

Parallel session 6: “AI risks and audit” (break away room) Dr Ioanna Topa & Mr Ioannis Hartoutsios,

IT Auditors, Data & Technology for Audit, Directorate for Audit Quality Control, European Court of Auditors

- Networking lunch

- Transport to visited venue

Option 1: Visit to Meluxina Supercomputer (max: 20 pax)
Option 2: Visit to HLC /Lux Cybersecurity center (max: 30 pax)
Option 3: Visit to LUX Innovation (max: 40 pax)
Option 4: Visit to the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) (max: 20 pax)
Option 5: Visit to the PwC AI Laboratory (max: 30 pax)
Option 6: Luxembourg City Guided Tour (max: 20 pax)

- Return to campus

- Registration & welcome coffee

Session 7: “The new AI act” Dr Juha Heikkila,

Adviser for AI, DG CONNECT, European Commission, Luxembourg

Session 8: “The use of AI in an employment context – an illustration of a high-risk use case” Ms Kelly Xintara,
Legal Advisor, Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce

- Networking coffee

Session 9: “The Risks of Using Generative AI in our Work and How to Mitigate Them” Dr Andrea Martens,

Senior Economist, Economics Dept., European Investment Bank

Parallel session 10: “How can we leverage AI to make EU law more easily discoverable, understandable and accessible” Mr Pieterjan Montens,

EUR-Lex Project Manager, Publications Office, European Commission, Luxembourg

Parallel session 11: Machine learning for audit (break away room) Dr Stamatis Kalogirou,

Senior Data Scientist, Data & Technology for Audit, Directorate for Audit Quality Control, European Court of Auditors

- Networking lunch

Panel 2: AI impact on EU policies Moderator: Mr David Newton, Lawyer, Legal Service, European Court of Auditors

Speakers: Mr Juha Heikkila, Ms Kelly Xintara, Dr Andrea Martens, Mr Joris Plingerts, Protection Officer, Court of Justice of the UE

- Break

Closing session

Luxembourg & the EU: challenges and opportunities in the era of AI

Closing speech: Mr Jorg Kristijan Petrovič, Member, European Court of Auditors, “An EU Strategy for AI?”

Closing remarks:
Mr Alfredo Calot, Secretary General, Court of Justice of the EU
Mr Zacharias Kolias, Secretary General, European Court of Auditors
Ms Anne Calteux, EC Representative in Luxembourg
Prof Dr Jens Kreisel, Rector, University of Luxembourg

- Networking cocktail – University of Luxembourg, Kirchberg Campus ​

Conference agenda
  • 2008-2016

    Vítor Manuel da Silva Caldeira (16.1.2008 - 30.9.2016)

    January 1960; degree in law from the Universidade Clássica, Lisbon; post-graduate degree in European Studies, European Institute of the Faculty of Law, Universidade Clássica, Lisbon. Taught at the Faculty of Law of the Universidade Clássica, Lisbon (1983). Taught at the Higher Institute of New Professions (1996). Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 March 2000 to 30 September 2016: responsible for auditing the EU’s banking activities, including the European Central Bank, the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the European Schools, the decentralised bodies and the Euratom Supply Agency (2000); responsible for the Court's Statement of Assurance (DAS) in the following areas: reliability of the accounts and legality and regularity of the underlying transactions in the various revenue and expenditure areas of the EU budget, reform of the Commission’s internal control system, and modernisation of the EU accounting system; rapporteur for the Court’s opinion on the single audit model and proposal for an EU internal control framework (2002); Dean of the Court’s Audit Group responsible for coordinating financial audit, audit methodologies and quality control (CEAD Group); member of the Court’s Administrative Committee (2005); responsible for the Audit Development and Reports (ADAR) division, in particular, quality control of the Court’s audit reports and implementation of audit methodologies (2006); rapporteur for the Performance Audit Manual adopted by the Court in 2007; President of the European Court of Auditors (2008-2016); auditor of EUROSAI (2008); member of the Governing Board of the European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) (2011); responsible for overseeing the Court’s work, relations with the institutions of the European Union, relations with the Supreme Audit Institutions and international audit organisations, legal matters and internal audit; during his first term, promoted and managed reform of the Court’s structure and decision-making process by introducing a system of chambers with a view to optimising management of the Court, thus making it more efficient and effective; during his second term, led the institution in a period during which the Court’s audit reports and opinions on financial legislation assumed even greater importance because of the financial crisis and the urgent need to help ensure better management of EU funds; became President of the Portuguese Court of Auditors on 3 October 2016.
  • 2005-2008

    Hubert Weber (16.1.2005 - 15.1.2008)

    Born in Vienna on 29 December 1939; Doctor of Law, University of Vienna; Civil servant, and subsequently Deputy Director, dealing with employment policy at the Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs (1959); Auditor at the Austrian Court of Audit. Work on audits of the Chancellor's Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice (1970); Head of the Private Office of the President of the Austrian Court of Audit and Head of the organisational unit responsible for INTOSAI's General Secretariat (1975); Head of Personnel (organisation, budgetary and personnel matters, and training) (1981); Director-General of the Public Enterprise Audit Division, responsible for monitoring international developments in the field of INTOSAI and its regional organisations (AFROSAI, ARABOSAI, ASOSAI, EUROSAI, OLACEFS and SPASAI) and for cooperation on United Nations projects in the financial audit field. Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 March 1995 to 31 March 2011; Responsible for the ADAR sector; President of the Court (2005-2008).
  • 2008-2016

    Juan Manuel Fabra Vallés (16.1.2002 - 15.1.2005)

    Born in Tortosa on 4 February 1950; graduate of Complutense University of Madrid; head of the Tarragona branch of the People’s Party (1978); Member of the Parliament of Tarragona; member of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (1982). Spokesman for the Tortosa People’s Party (1979); regional head of the Catalan branch of the People’s Party; member of the National Executive Committee of the People’s Party (1986); deputy president of the European People’s Party group in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (1989); Member of the Western European Union Assembly (1991); Budgetary Control Committee, Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence Policy Committees (1994); Member of the European Court of Auditors (2000-2006): President of the Court, 2002-2005. Died on 16 April 2012.
