Tuesday 20 October 2015
8.15 - 9.00: Morning coffee and registrations
09.00 – 10.15: Conference opening
President of the European Court of Auditors: Welcoming address
Romain Schneider, Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Minister for Cooperation and Humanitarian Action
Linda McAvan, President of the Committee on Development at the European Parliament
Neven Mimica,
Commissioner, representing Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission
Grete Faremo, Under Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director UNOPS
10.15 - 10.30: Coffee break
10.30 – 12.00: Round table 1: Future prospects – EU development policy
Cihan Sultanoğlu, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Regional Director for Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), United Nations Development Programme
Neven Mimica, Commissioner for International
Cooperation and Development
Nicola Harrington, Organisation for Cooperation and Development (OECD), Deputy Director of the Development Centre
Moderator: Danièle Lamarque, Member of the European Court of Auditors
12.15 – 14.15: Lunch hosted by the European Court of Auditors
14.30 – 17.00: Round table 2: EU development aid, participants
and instruments, working towards an effective and transparent management
Jean-Christophe Laloux, Director-General, Head of Lending Operations, European Investment Bank
Dr. Christoph Beier, Chief Operating Officer, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Andrew Rogerson, Senior Research Associate, Centre for Aid and Public Expenditure, Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
Thembekile Kimi Makwetu, Auditor General for South Africa
Moderator: H. Ex. Dr. Patrick Ignatius Gomes, Secretary-General for African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP)
Wednesday 21 October 2015
9.00 – 11.30: Round table 3: Results-oriented development policy, the effectiveness of aid and how to assess it
- Manfred Kraff, Deputy Director-General of the Directorate General for Budget in the European Commission
- Mark Sundberg, Manager of the Independant evaluation group at the World Bank
- François Bourguignon, Chaire émérite, Paris School of Economics
- Horácio Dias Fernandes, Judge, National audit office of Cape Verde
Moderator: Karel Pinxten, Dean of Chamber III and Member of the European Court of Auditors
11.30 – 12.00: Conclusions and closure of the conference
- Marc Angel, President of the Foreign and European Affairs and Defence Committee in the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg
12.15 – 14.30: Lunch hosted by the European Court of Auditors